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MANY a turbulent outbreak among little folks has been quelled by starting a bright, merry chorus, whose joyous rhythm proves a safe outlet for that restlessness which, rather than depravity, is the cause of nine-tenths of childhood's misdemeanors. Nor are we children of a larger growth less amenable to the power of united song in bringing harmony out of discord, and rest and refreshment to wearied body and disheartened soul. " When the battle of Leuthen had been fought, and the victors, fatigued almost to death, were sinking down in the chilling
rain among the slain that lay scattered on the bloody field, then, in the darkness of the night, a single voice broke forth with the old choral, ' Nun danket alle Gott!' Soon a second voice joined, then a third, and so more and more, until the whole army took up the hymn; and thus the simple song—in which the feeling of patriotism and military glory, united with the consciousness of a great deed accomplished and of pious gratitude toward the mighty Ruler of Battles— inspired their hearts with new life, and strength­ened them to follow up the victory so nobly won."
Katf. Hankey. Wm. G. Fischer, by per.